
  • P.-H. Tournier, P. Jolivet, V. Dolean, H. Aghamiry, S. Operto and S. Riffo. 3D finite-difference and finite-element frequency-domain wave simulation with multilevel optimized additive Schwarz domain-decomposition preconditioner: A tool for full-waveform inversion of sparse node datasets.
    Geophysics, 87(5), pp. T381-T402, 2022. (Available in Strathprints)
  • P.-H. Cocquet, S. Riffo and J. Salomon. Optimization of bathymetry for long waves with small amplitude.
    SIAM J. Control Optim., 59(6), pp. 4429–4456, 2021 (Available in HAL)
  • J. Ledoux, S. Riffo and J. Salomon. Analysis of the Blade Element Momentum Theory.
    SIAM J. Appl. Math., 81(6), pp. 2596–2621, 2021 (Available in HAL)

Working papers

PhD Dissertation